• the ONLY authorised route to Level 5 training
  • CENTRALIA : Agored Cymru
  • CAREA provides access to the OTHM L5 Diploma in Applied Reflexology for Integrated Medicine

  • CAREA is an independent Approved Centre,
    fully regulated by the International Awarding and Qualification Organisation OTHM.

  • Advancing reflexology into the FUTURE with the "CAREA Matrix" - 3 amazing NEW techniques taught nowhere else!

*CAREA is an independent Approved Centre, fully regulated by the International Awarding Body and Qualification Organisation OTHM and the UK regulators OFQUAL.

* CAREA provides access to the UK's ONLY Specialist reflexology Diploma Qualification at Level 5 that embraces Integrated Medicine.

* Via CAREA and the OTHM Level 5 Diploma in Applied Reflexology for Integrated Medicine, this qualification currently provides the MOST INNOVATIVE regulated route to Level 5 training (including a Level 6 unit)

* CAREA is determined and committed to the provision of exceptional services to its Centres of Excellence and their students, throughout England, Wales Scotland, Northern Ireland and Ireland

  Who regulates the OTHM Level 5 Diploma in Applied Reflexology for Integrated Medicine?


Let's start at the top!   There are four regulators in the UK who have statutory powers under Acts of Parliament.  Because of the robustness of regulation and the strong reputation behind the qualifications that they recognise, means the qualifications are accepted worldwide.   The 4 regulators are the same regulators that cover GCSE's, AS + A level qualifications that are used for entry into University.   OFQUAL (England), SQA (Scotland), CCEA (Northern Ireland) and Qualifications Wales (Wales) are the four UK regulators

Awarding Organisations (sometimes also called Awarding Bodies) who are recognised by one or more of the regulators have to prove that their qualifications are of a very high standard and really importantly, that they are 'fit for purpose'.  Previously membership bodies would offer their own qualifications, but it became recognised that a regulators logo on a qualification certificate was important as it is a measure, it is proof, of quality and assurance that is recognised around the world.  Some membership bodies (also known as professional organisations/bodies) may still offer their own unregulated qualifications which may deliver excellent training and will have a place in reflexology training, but they may not have recognition outside that comparitively small sector and rarely recognised beyond the UK.  There will be no assurance when a certificate is issued from unregulated training source that there is any comparable level of skill, knowledge and understanding and therefore cannot be relied on  as an indicator of reliable quality in the way that a regulated certificate from an Awarding Organisation does.   The qualification certificate will indicate the name of the Awarding Organisation as well as the regulator and their logos

OTHM are the Awarding Organisation for the Level 5 Diploma in Applied Reflexology for Integrated Medicine qualification and they work with over 70 countries across the world (CAREA are 1 of the Centres) including the NHS, colleges, charities, housing associations, universities, schools, and businesses to develop and deliver qualifications and award credit to learners.   

OTHM Level 5 Diploma in Applied Reflexology for Integrated Medicine is regulated by Ofqual and details can be found on the database at OFQUAL and the database at Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) 

Regulated qualifications are mapped against the European Qualification Framework – EQF. These European descriptors are used across the UK and Europe for mapping transparency and transportability of equivalent learning.

The Regulators in the UK:

The Regulators are responsible for ensuring the quality and practices of the Awarding Organisations.

OTHM have profession specific Recognised Centres and CAREA is profession specific to reflexology.   CAREA are responsible for the delivery of the qualification which is done via CAREA Partner Centres (CPC's).   

The CAREA Partner Centres are the training providers and as they are teaching a regulated qualification they are committed to quality assurance and standardisation in course delivery and learner assessment so that when a learner graduates, their certificate is not only testament to their achievement, it is also a certificate that can be relied on as valid, and can be handed over to a prospective employer or give entry to another training programme ... anywhere in the world.

CAREA Partner Centres have no issues with being scrutinised!   They meet every year for a two day conference to discuss all aspects of the OTHM Level 5 Diploma in Applied Reflexology for Integrated Medicine and as they share knowledge and experience with one another, their collective spirit means that reflexology not only thrives, it develops and advances too.  CAREA Partner Centres have their own internal verification processes, but they are also internally verified by a CAREA Accreditor and every group of students has the opportunity to speak to the CAREA Accreditor during 'Learner Voice' time.  The delivery of their qualification is quality assured and all assessments and every learner has their work checked against unit criteria to ensure standardisation. There is standardisation of the qualification content and qualification assessment, but this does not mean there is prescriptive learning ...quite the opposite as each CAREA Partner Centre recognises the need for responding to the individual learning needs of each and every learner.   

Offering fully regulated qualifications is a lot of hard work for CAREA and the CAREA Partner Centres and there are also extra costs that unregulated courses don't have, but they are dedicated to providing the very best reflexology education to their learners.  in order to maintain and achieve the required high standards of a nationally regulated Level 5 qualification.  CAREA and the Partner Cenrtres are extremely proud of our growing recognition, both within Complementary Therapy health, but also within other Health Providers.  The OTHM Level 5 Diploma in Applied Reflexology for Integrated Medicine is a  complementary therapy qualification that has been identified under the Sector Skill of Nursing and Subjects and Vocations Allied to Medicine and integration and reflexology employment within the NHS are testament to why it is so important to train at Level 5.

To view the locations of the CAREA Partner Centres please go to the following link: PARTNER CENTRES 


UK Regulators





In Wales =

Qualifications Wales (QW)

In England =


In Northern Ireland =

Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA)

In Scotland =

Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA)


- -


Credit & Qualifications Framework for Wales CQFW



    Scottish Credit & Qualifications Framework SCQF
area area area area area area area area
HE QALL RQF qualifications RQF qualifications only RQF qualifications only HE SQA qualifications SVQs



eg: OTHM

Quality assures




Quality assures




Inspira Academy


Carea Centres


   UK & Ireland



Centralia are proud to announce NEW Partner Centres venues for



All details of these new centres will be available very soon!


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